Build 136 – 19.12.2022
New Stockpicker engine – for strategies that trade on groups of stocks – for example whole indexes like S&P 500.
New Single-asset cloud strategy engine – for the same strategies as in Stockpicker engine, but on one symbol only, tradable on the AlgoWizard cloud.
New version of AW Editor in SQ – it was rewritten from scratch for maintainability and performance reasons. It has also many new features:
- support for the new Stockpicker and single assed cloud strategies
- support for multiple files open at the same time
- improved work with Random groups and Custom blocks
- speed improvements
Added automatic reloading of SQX UI after snippets recompilation – no need to restart SQX when developing snippets anymore.
Added HistoryDataLoader class to get access to (non-protected) history data from snippets.
Added example of SQX plugin including UI – plugin implements requested filter of the databank by correlation.
Added parameters (input arguments) to run Custom Analysis snippets.
Added action to run CA snippet right from the databank.
Added new Monte Carlo methods to randomize history OHLC prices.
Fixed bugs generating from random groups.
Fixed over 400 reported bugs from our task system roadmap